Java PHP Python -- Which is "Faster In General"?

Sigh. What a difficult question. There are numerous incarnations on StackOverflow. All nearly unanswerable. The worst part is questions where they add the "in general" qualifier. Which is "faster in general" is essentially impossible to answer. And yet, the question persists.

There are three rules for figuring out which is …

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Search For Expertise

Date Tags #python

I'm looking for a unbiased Python expert to help with a book I'm working on. We need "an unbiased python expert with a keen eye for detail."

The role is technical reviewer. I've never done this before, but it appears that the tech reviewer is a paid position somewhere in …

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Integration Testing, unittest and Python 2.7

Many folks use Python's unittest module for integration testing. It sometimes leads to whining and hand-wringing, but it is very effective. Ordinary "unit" tests use mocks and focus on a class or a module more-or-less in isolation. The purists say "complete isolation". But that's sometimes unrealistic. A class that's part …

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Sensible Metrics -- Avoiding Numerosity

In general, Software Engineering Metrics are not without value.

Expecting magic from metrics is what devalues them, reducing metrics to dumb numerosity.

Once code is in production, plenty of metrics are readily available. For example, the trouble-ticket history tells you everything you need to know about code that's in production …

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pyWeb Literate Programming Tool | Download pyWeb Literate Programming Tool software for free at

I've (finally) updated the pyWeb Literate Programming Tool.

There were feature requests and bug reports. Much to do. Sadly, I'm really slow at doing it.

pyWeb Literate Programming Tool | Download pyWeb Literate Programming Tool software for free at



2011-02-01 02:31:48.402000-05 …

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The Anti-IF Campaign

Check this out:

I'm totally in favor of reducing complexity. I've seen too many places where a Strategy or some other kind of Delegation design pattern should have been used. Instead a cluster of if-statements was used. Sometimes these if-statements suffer copy-and-paste repetition because someone didn't …

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The Wrapper vs. Library vs. Aspect Problem

Imagine that we've got a collection of applications used by customers to provide data, a collection of applications we use to collect data from vendors. We've got a third collection of analytical tools.

Currently, they share a common database, but the focus, use cases, and interfaces are different.

Okay so …

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