Mac OS X 10.9 and Python 3.3

Finally upgraded to Python 3.3.3. The ordinary maintenance release fixed the problem with the previous release.

The previously documented patch ({filename}/blog/2013/10/2013_10_25-mac_os_x_109_mavericks_crashes_python_patch_available.rst) is no longer required.

Time to start incrementally installing all the various add-on components: docutils, PyYaml, Django, Jinja2, SQLAlchemy, etc.

Also, time …

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Literate Programming and PyLit

Even though I wrote a literate programming tool (PyWeb) I slowly came to realize that it's not very good.

Mostly, I followed the Web/Weave world view and cribbed their markup syntax. It's not bad, but, the PyWeb markup is based on some presumptions about literate programming that were, perhaps …

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iWeb File Extract and XML Iterators

Once upon a time, Apple offered iBlog. Then they switched to iWeb. Then they abandoned that market entirely.

That leaves some of us with content in iBlog as well as iWeb. Content we'd like to work with without doing extensive cutting and pasting. Or downloading from a web server. After …

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