Technology Refresh

First, I'm a pack-rat; I worry about deleting something valuable. Specifically, I worry about orphaned files because the application software is no longer supported or the media is obsolete.

For example, my resume is a Hypercard stack. Really. Hypercard is an OS 9 application, and future OS X's won't support …

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Measurable Improvement

Here's what I observed.

Customer: "Our business performance isn't what we want. We think some of our intranet is no good."

Us: "We'd love to look at it."

Customer: "Not so fast. You can't 'look at it'. You have to propose a measurable change in business performance, define a fixed …

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Clarifying XML's Strengths.

Date Tags xml

While there are lame reasons for using XML, there are good reasons also. The good reasons, however, aren't delightfully clear. They seem to be clouded by the lame issues. I'm trying to sort out the best and most logical reasons for using XML.

Here are 8 typically lame reasons for …

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A Good Reason for XML

Date Tags xml

I harp on Design Goal 6 in the XML 1.0 Standard , "XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear". In Kontrawize, the response is XML editors help meet this design goal. "There are plenty of good XML-aware editors around, some of which are free." While true, I think this …

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XML - One Ring to Rule them All...

Date Tags xml

The XML folks seem to have a number of points:

  • Ant already works. Complexity be damned.
  • XML is fine for everything that's not Java. Except SQL. And CSS.
  • Ant is "already" part of the technology stack, and it uses XML. Anything better isn't already there.
  • Everyone already knows XML. They …
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PyCon Presentation

I'm very excited to be giving a presentation at PyCon '07. A 30-minute slot is tough because the Star Schema can be confusing. The coding is pretty transparent (IMO), but the background for why I had to do this and places where it can be used are more interesting than …

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