Applet Not Inited; the "Red X" problem

I haven't done Applet stuff in years.

I do -- intensely -- like embedding functionality in web pages. RIA/Ajax and what-not are something I have trouble with because I'm not a graphic designer. Javascript and Applets fall into three clear categories:

  1. Basic usability. Javascript offers lots of little enhancements to HTML …
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Ways to Crush Innovation

Check this out: “Why should I bother?”.

All organizations have an “Official Technology List”. I work “Enterprise IT”, where the official languages are limited to Java, VB .Net, C, C++. After that... well... it may as well be Esperanto or Whitespace.

PHP, for example, is near the top of the …

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All Those TODO's

About a year ago, we started out doing Python development with simple rst2htmldocuments for requirements, design, etc. In the code, we had comments that used epydoc with the epytextmarkup language.

No, it wasn’t confusing. Free-text documents (requirements, architecture, design, test plans, etc.) are easy and fun to …

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Multi-threaded apps and module globals

Learned about module globals the hard way.

The mod_wsgi daemon by default spawns 15 threads. This is important, but not obvious.

During load testing, we had intermittent weird errors. We were seeing an odd inconsistency in replies. My experience in creating military software in the ’80’s leads me to …

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Changing Platforms

iBlog doesn’t work well -- and hasn’t for a while.

I have iWeb as part of my iLife package -- and I use iLife heavily.

Perhaps it’s time to move.

There are some small “howevers” in that.

  • 344 blog entires that I’d like to migrate to iWeb. It …
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iWeb -- not so nice

For techincal blogging (like this) iWeb is weak.

The total MacOSX integration -- pictures, podcast, etc. -- is nice. It's very cool for my travelogues. But for code samples and the kind of customized HTML widgets that are required by Technorati, it's too hard to deal with.

The size of the iWeb …

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