Essay 20 - Moving the Topsoil

The topsoil is in the front yard, the garden is in the back yard.

The users form up a bucket brigade to use several pails and buckets to move the soil. It's backbreaking and slow, so they go to IT for a solution.

"We've measured the work activity very carefully …

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No more Mindspring

Years and years ago I started using Delphi internet services. They had a complicated dialup arrangement through Sprintnet and Tymenet to a farm of VAX servers in the Boston area, part of Northeast Education and Research (NEAR) net. This was Delphi internet, character-mode, 9600 baud. I used Mac classic and …

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JB replies: Why Another Programming Language?

Date Tags xml / xslt

The most common argument for introducing YAPL goes like this:

"There are way too many programming languages out there. And they are each flawed in some way (small and odd, or large and incomprehensible). So I, in my wisdom and will create YAPL, which will displace all these other, inferior …

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Building a Web Interface

A Question:

I would like to build a web browser interface that has capabilities like a spreadsheet.

At the same time, would like to use a tool like OpenROAD from Ingres/CA to do this.

It seems that XUL is the way to go but the entire Mozilla thing is …

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XML/XSLT - A Response

Date Tags xml / xslt

The idea of "universal" processing via XSLT is moderately appealing. There's a big issue with poorly defined semantics, which always breaks a meta-data driven approache. The holy grail is perfect metadata from which all application software can be derived in a trivial way. I'm not sure this is ever achievable …

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Not the first time...

Date Tags xml / xslt

From an email I got recently, lightly edited. Responses to follow


The data layer of application architecture must be flexible enough to adapt to virtually any new data-driven functional requirement demanded by today's client..right...well to support such adaptability in client deployments, the data model must allow almost …

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Good-bye Old Mac

Mac #1 was a 1986 128K Mac, later upgraded to 1M Mac Plus, with external everything. Eventually a 70Mb SCSI hard drive. Bundled up with another just like it, it sold on eBay for shipping + a few bucks. I kept it running until 2001, when I finally shut it off …

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Content Management Alternatives

Date Tags web / cms

A Comment:

>I'm not sure what the issue is, >and why "simple content manager" needs definition.

Neither was I until I read your reply.

I did not know enough to formulate the correct question. What I was struggling was when do you use simple hyperlinks/html vs a content mgr …

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Why Content Manager?

Date Tags web / cms

A Question:

>> A while back you mentioned the following book >> >> Book Title: Text, ConText, and HyperText Writing with and for the Computer edited by Edward Barrett >> ISBN 0-262-02275-3 >> >> I bought and then scanned through the book. I picked the following article to read semi carefully >> Hypertext: A Way of Incorporating …
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