Using Bottle as a miniature demo server

Let's talk small. When writing API's, it sometimes helps to have a small demo web site to show the API in a context that's easy to visualize. API's are sometimes abstract, and without an application to provide some context, it can be unclear why the path looks like that or …

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Scipy.optimization.anneal Problems

Well, not really "problems" per se. More of a strange kind of whining than a solvable problem.
Here's the bottom line. Two real quotes. Unedited.
Me: "> There's a way to avoid the religious nature of the argument. "
Them: "Please suggest away."
Really. Confronted with choices between anneal and basin hopping …
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PyCrypto Experience

Let me start with a wow. PyCrypto is very nice. Let me emphasize the add-ons that go with PyCrypto. These are as valuable as the package itself. Here's the story. I was working with a Java-based AES encrypter that used the "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1" key generator algorithm. This was part of a …

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Some Basic Statistics

I've always been fascinated by the essential statistical algorithms. While there are numerous statistical libraries, the simple measures of central tendency (mean, media, mode, standard deviation) have some interesting features.
Well. Interesting to me.
First, some basics.
def s0( samples ):
    return len(samples) # sum(x**0 for x in samples …
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The Permissions Issue

Why? Why are Enterprise Computers so hard to use? What is it about computers that terrifies corporate IT? They're paying lots of money to have me sit around and wait for mysterious approver folks to decide if I can be given permission to install development tools. (Of course, the real …

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