Shiny New MacBook Pro

Wow. Just Wow. An almost seamless technology change. Almost.
The old MacBook Pro (dual core 4Gb RAM) was struggling to keep up. Struggling. It had been dropped once, so there was a ding in the corner. The trackpad "click" wasn't reliably clicking. It was shaky.
Nothing that couldn't be cured …
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The Visitor Design Pattern and Python


In Python, with iterators, the Visitor design pattern is useless. And a strongly-ingrained habit. Which I'm trying to break.

Here's a common Visitor approach:

class Visitor:
    def __init__( self ): ...
    def visit( self, some_target_thing ): ...
    def all_done( self ): ...

v = Visitor()
for thing in some_iterator():

If we …

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