Agile Methods, Inversion of Control, Emergent Behavior

Date Tags agile

I've run in to some Agility questions recently. Questions that indicate that some people just don't like the Inversion of Control aspect of Agile methods.

We used to call IoC "Emergent Behavior". The system isn't designed from top-down to fill specific use cases. Instead, the system is designed so that …

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Think Once -- Code Twice

Some thoughts for the day

  • "Quick And Dirty == Guaranteed Rework"
  • "He Who Codes First Loses"
  • "Think Once -- Code Twice"
  • "Admin's Law: It's Always Permissions"
  • "Programmer's Law: If it's not permissions, it's the path"
  • "If it seems hard, you're doing it wrong"
  • "One-Off == The First of Many"
  • "Requirements Translation: Never == Rarely …
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That's odd -- Python faster than Java

Here's an amazing Stack Overflow question.

The follow-up conversation is great stuff.

The question shows two versions of approximately the same processing. Python is faster than Java. That's unexpected.

Java has static compilation and the hot-spot translation to machine code. Apparently, Python has some optimizations that are just as valuable …

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Semantic Markup with Docutils Interpreted Text Roles

A resume is a slippery thing -- a package of semi-structured data.

It has a kind of database-like feel to it, but there are so many exceptions and special cases that the database never works out quite the way you wanted.

For example, I've got -- essentially -- one employer over the past …

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Open Source Use Rising

Or so claims SD Times...

The decision process includes: "find a low-cost solution". More importantly, it includes "justify the fees to purchase and for support."

This drives down the cost of software and support for commercial products. It also rationalizes what your buy when …

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