The Web Mart Design Pattern.

The Web Mart design pattern identifies three aspects to a piece of web content:

  • The Core Concept - the "fact" that we will present.
  • The Access Dimensions - objects that identify a concept or support navigation to the concept.
  • The Details - objects that provide details in support of a concept.

There are …

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Python and Reverse Engineering, Part 5

Python is a top-shelf toolset for creating sample data to do performance testing.

Let's say that you need to validate a data warehouse design, and you need a million facts that join with thousands of dimension entities across a half-dozen dimensions. You'll be generating data for seven different tables, and …

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Python and Reverse Engineering, Part 3

The client said, "We have this program, largely in C, which we can no longer support. It doesn't really meet our business needs and it doesn't fit our technology skill set." As part of rewriting the requirements, the question of what it really did came up.

Actually, they had more …

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Being an Architect

There are a number of necessary skills for being an architect. Here's a list of four that occurred to me as I tried to piece together a coherent thought from a flurry of emails.

  • Summarize.
  • State A Goal.
  • Know The Technology.
  • Manage Your Investment In Learning.

These aren't sufficient skills …

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