StingrayReader Upgrade
some_data = {name: source[name] for name in the_names} the_object = SomeClass(**some_data)
some_data = {name: source[name] for name in the_names} the_object = SomeClass(**some_data)
For the last week I've been working with some legacy code that reveals a kind of problem I hadn't really seen before.
I'm calling it the Wrong Abstraction.
I want to contrast this with the Leaky Abstraction, where implementation details are revealed and raise havoc.
The Wrong Abstraction problem seems …
more ...See "Additional, Related Content". It's one of the posts here:
I think there's space for a Building Skills in Functional Python title next to the Building Skills in OO Design.
more ...See You'll need a Circuit Playground Express Install the code. Enjoy the noise and blinky lights. The MML translation isn't as complete as you might like. The upper/lower case for the various commands isn't handled quite as cleanly …
more ...>>> t_s = (8063599, 0) >>> fields = [(t_s := divmod(t_s[0], b))[1] for b in (60, 60, 24, 7)] >>> list(reversed(fields + [t_s[0]])) [13, 2, 7, 53, 19]
I've recorded two courses for LinkedIn Learning
Let me emphasize that their production values take a lot of work. While I think I'm a pretty good live presenter, a few days in the recording booth with a producer, reveals all my weaknesses. so. um …
more ...Here's a functional programming design pattern I uncovered. This may not be news to you, but it was a surprise to me. It cropped up when looking at something that needs parallelization to reduced the elapsed run time.
Consider this data collection process.
for h in some_high_level_collection(arg1): for l …more ...
This can be an interesting exercise. I think it is something that can help people learn to code well. I found this in the LinkedIn Python community:
The Palindrome Problem:
more ...Make a function that makes a palindrome out of the letters in a string …
Follow my Patreon: Become a Patron! I'll try to focus on my Building Skills in OO Design book there. I'm thinking of adding some more code examples. Is that a good idea? Maybe that should be the higher-level Patreon benefit?
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Real Python(@realpython)
📺🐍 Cool New Features in Python 3.8…
The Cool New Features in Python 3.8 lists some of the things that could become part of The Modern Python Cookbook 2e. I'm working with Packt on a plan …
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