What Books Should I Read? In What Order?

A fascinating question.

... I'm baffled by the amount of books you've published over the course of time. Currently Reddit suggests that I use Building Skills in Python under Beginner's section, but it looks quite outdated. So back and forth, I found your Building Skills in OO on GitHub Page and …

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Architectural Boundaries: Which Package/Module/Class Owns That Responsibility?

The SOLID design principles beat the design boundary issue to death. Here are the principles in my preferred order. (See https://www.linkedin.com/learning/learning-s-o-l-i-d-programming-principles)

  1. Interface Segregation -- minimize the boundaries. Do this first.
  2. Liskov Substitution -- keep the boundaries consistent. Do this for hierarchies.
  3. Open/Closed -- keep the boundaries stable …
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Recommended Books

I get asked about good books for beginners. Here's an example:

"What Python books do you recommend for novices so they can learn from beginner to advanced?"

For me, this is nearly impossible to answer.

"Beginner" is often undefined. I have to turn this around and ask what you already …

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