Legacy Code Preservation: Why Preserve the DSL?

A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) can provide some intellectual leverage. We can always write long and convoluted programs in a general-purpose programming language (like Python, Java or C).

Sometimes it can make more sense to invent a new domain-specific language and implement the solution in that language.

Sometimes, even well-written, highly …

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Legacy Code Preservation: How Do We Manage This?

At an insurance company, I encountered an application that had been in place for thirty years.

Classic flat-file, mainframe COBOL. And decades old. It had never been replaced with a packaged solution. It had never been converted to a SQL database. It had never been rewritten in VB to run …

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Legacy Code Preservation: Paving the Cowpaths

No discussion of legacy preservation is complete without some "Paving the Cowpaths" stories.

The phrase refers to the way cows tend to meander across the landscape in a remarkably consistent way. The cows reliably follow a consistent path. The paths tend to wander in ways that seem crazy to us …

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Legacy Code Preservation: What's the Cost?

It's 1980-something. We're working on a fairly complex system that includes some big machines and three computers. One of the computers has a magnetic tape drive into which it writes a log of interesting events. In the 80's, this was a pretty big deal.

An operational run will produce a …

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Legacy Code Preservation: What's the Story?

Wind back the clock to the late 1970's. Yes, there were computers in those days.

Some of my earliest billable gigs where conversions from old OS to new OS. (Specifically DOS/VSE to OS/370, now called Z/OS.) Back when a company owned exactly one computer, all of the …

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Legacy Code Preservation

This is important:

Rule One: Writing Software is Capturing Knowledge.

Consequence: Converting Software is Preserving Knowledge.

When software is revised for a new framework or operating system or database or when an algorithm is converted to a new language, then we're "converting" (or "migrating") software. We're preserving code, and preserving …

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