Layers of Management == Layers of Veto

In an organization with more than one layer of management, the default answer must be "no". Folks get needlessly frustrated by this. But it's a logical consequence of multiple layers of management.

Consider that direction must come down from above. If you're suggesting something up to your manager (or in …

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Controlling the Message

I finally figured out what is so bad about folks who need to "control the message."

Architecture is as much politics as technology. And some folks think that political spin and message control is required. I think it's a mistake because the urge to control the message points up a …

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Exacting Definitions

Interesting comments to Splitting Meta-Hairs.

Terms like Scripting, Interpreted and Dynamic are not "marketing terms". New, Improved, All Natural, Visual, Groovy, Lucid, etc., are marketing terms. I regret giving the impression that one should "not to spend time trying to get definitions that are exacting". One absolutely must get definitions …

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Splitting Meta-Hairs

Recently, I've been involved in some hair-splitting over the nature of Python.

I've described it as "interpreted", "scripting" and "dynamic", all of which seem to be true, but yet each seems to lead to a standard -- and pointless -- dispute.

Yes but No

Some folks object to "interpreted". They feel a …

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